All parts of me were in alignment. I was fully present. Then, it happened.
I perceived myself as one with everything.
Was this an astounding experience? Yes. Should it be surprising? Of course not.
Mystics have said it for millennia. Physicists have known it for the last 100 years or so.
We ARE all energy. We perceive ourselves to be self-aware, so self-aware energy.
Why is it so hard to extrapolate that everything around us, clearly also energy, is also self-aware? In my moment of connection, it was viscerally apparent to me that everything is self-aware…Again, no shocker, mystics and various philosophers have been telling us this for years.
In my “moment” I could also feel my environment respond to my thoughts, my energy. Crazy? A trick of perception? A little too much theta wave activity? Some will think so. I would have to think people that aren’t paying very close attention. If you’ve never experienced any form of telepathy, precognition, unexplainable coincidence, or other signs of the non-linearity of the universe, I’d say you are either not paying attention, or you’ve got some limiting beliefs that are circumscribing your perceptions. Or, maybe Mozart, this blog, your mind, your heart, and the Mona Lisa are all just epiphenomena of DNA’s tendency to replicate. (Oh, that crazy DNA, what will you do next? 😉 )
What if we got past all the childish, my God is better than your God, my no-God is better than your God, ego-based debates, admitted that we ARE all energy, and that our experiences are energy interacting with energy, and designed ourselves, our lives and our institutions with this knowledge?
(BTW, hints on recreating my experience…Learn to meditate and get present in the moment, open your heart, strive for holistic health, be IN love, and throw in Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac 4-24-1970.)