“There is nothing wrong in the Universe”, I said.
When I said it, I had such conviction, such connection to Truth, that I really surprised myself in that moment! I really knew that statement to be true, even though from a human, analytical, make-the-mistake-of-thinking-about-it-for-more-than-a-microsecond perspective, it flies in the face of normal logic. But this was a different kind of logic, this was the heart’s truth. And my heart was telling me, without a shadow of a doubt, that there truly was nothing wrong with anything anywhere.
Well, do I still stand behind that statement, how can something like that be true? In the face of all the suffering on planet Earth, all the things that clearly are “wrong” how can it possibly be said that there is nothing wrong?
It is all a matter of perspective.
When we see things that are “wrong” we are focused in too narrowly and not seeing the whole picture. Granted, we need to give ourselves some credit, we may not have access to the whole picture.
I do see more of the whole picture now and it enables me to be more compassionate, relaxed and do more good that is helpful when I come from this perspective.