The Best Gift Ever

So, this post has nothing to do with Christmas gifts!  It has to do with learning about who you are and what you are meant to be doing in this world.

The other day I was relaying a story to a treasured friend about a close encounter I had with an owl.  He said something about, that’s quite a gift, communication with animals.  I, with unfiltered childlike enthusiasm, said "That’d be the best gift EVER!"

I realized in that moment that my utter delight and enthusiam about this possible "gift" of communication with animals, demonstrated it was something close to my heart, and something I should continue to bring into my life if I want to be fulfilling my "purpose".

We *all* have unique characteristics that make us "gifted" in certain ways.  We may not all be destined to be concert pianists.  But, and I’ve seen this confirmed in my coaching time and time again, each of us do have particular things, always close to the heart, that we are great at.  Pursuing these gifts helps you with what I believe is the life purpose of all of us…To be ourselves.  In fulfilling that purpose, we automatically help those around us and the world at large.  Not to mention putting us on the path towards true life joy and fulfillment.

So, what would you imagine would be THE BEST GIFT EVER for you?  Allow your childlike imagination and enthusiam to answer this question for you.  Whatever your answer, you can start to pursue that direction right now, in whatever small or large ways feel right to you.




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