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General Blog, Personal

One Hundred Push-Ups in 6 Weeks

One of my brilliant clients turned me on to this exercise program, at  The program trains you (well, you do all the hard work) to go from where ever you start from to being able to do 100 consecutive push-ups. This is for any starting fitness...

General Blog, Personal

Bluey the Blue Green Frog

Bluey is the blue coloured green frog (Rana clamitans) that lives in the pond beside our deck. He is 2-3 years old. He is more skittish than the rest of the frogs, so it is hard to get a good pic of him, but every once in a while he will stay still for a...

General Blog, Personal

One Hundred Push-Ups in 6 Weeks

One of my brilliant clients turned me on to this exercise program, at  The program trains you (well, you do all the hard work) to go from where ever you start from to being able to do 100 consecutive push-ups. This is for any starting fitness...

General Blog, Personal

Bluey the Blue Green Frog

Bluey is the blue coloured green frog (Rana clamitans) that lives in the pond beside our deck. He is 2-3 years old. He is more skittish than the rest of the frogs, so it is hard to get a good pic of him, but every once in a while he will stay still for a...