Meta, Personal

Michele 3.0

So, I'm waiting to talk to my new coach, whom I know is amazingly talented and just a great person. I've completed some short but profound initial intake questionnaires. I was able to access and share some good thoughts but I certainly held back a lot. One subject...

Books, General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

Imagine, a Safe Universe

Imagine... You are an infinite Soul. Everything you think (imagine, picture in your mind, ruminate about) becomes real. OK, not every thing. Just things you are determined to make a relatively big deal out of, especially emotionally. Big deal "good", and big deal...

General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

New Year’s Thoughts on Goals

Actions (goals) are individual creations that build upon themselves.  Often, as you incrementally move towards your goal, you incrementally increase your belief that the desired outcome is actually true.  You are building the goal belief by belief.  How many...

Articles, General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

False Awakenings

It’s a common phenomenon in lucid dreaming.  You are lucid, enjoying being fully “awake” and aware inside of your dream, when you wake up.  You might tell your spouse about your lucid dream, then go on to start your day.  Then, you...

Being a Coach, General Blog, Meta, Personal

Michele 2.0

It is so strange to try and blog sometimes (a lot of the time) because everything that is going on is so over-the-top mind-blowing.  Then, when I try to imagine putting things into words, it never comes close to capturing the magnitude/significance of...

Articles, General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

The Control Paradox

The arrogance. What makes me, one of 8 billion humans on a tiny blue planet, shared with a multitude of organisms in a vast universe; think that I should be in control of the fine details of life’s events? This traffic should move faster so I can...

Meta, Personal

Michele 3.0

So, I'm waiting to talk to my new coach, whom I know is amazingly talented and just a great person. I've completed some short but profound initial intake questionnaires. I was able to access and share some good thoughts but I certainly held back a lot. One subject...

Books, General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

Imagine, a Safe Universe

Imagine... You are an infinite Soul. Everything you think (imagine, picture in your mind, ruminate about) becomes real. OK, not every thing. Just things you are determined to make a relatively big deal out of, especially emotionally. Big deal "good", and big deal...

General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

New Year’s Thoughts on Goals

Actions (goals) are individual creations that build upon themselves.  Often, as you incrementally move towards your goal, you incrementally increase your belief that the desired outcome is actually true.  You are building the goal belief by belief.  How many...

Meta, Personal

Michele 3.0

So, I'm waiting to talk to my new coach, whom I know is amazingly talented and just a great person. I've completed some short but profound initial intake questionnaires. I was able to access and share some good thoughts but I certainly held back a lot. One subject...

Books, General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

Imagine, a Safe Universe

Imagine... You are an infinite Soul. Everything you think (imagine, picture in your mind, ruminate about) becomes real. OK, not every thing. Just things you are determined to make a relatively big deal out of, especially emotionally. Big deal "good", and big deal...

General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

New Year’s Thoughts on Goals

Actions (goals) are individual creations that build upon themselves.  Often, as you incrementally move towards your goal, you incrementally increase your belief that the desired outcome is actually true.  You are building the goal belief by belief.  How many...