General Blog
General Blog

Humanity Ascending

Important little movie about where humans are going, by visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard.  Notice the chaos?  Have a sense there might be something brewing?

General Blog, Personal

More Beauty at the Grail

The workshop was great Friday night.  There were very special people there with lots of brilliant contributions which were helpful for everyone.   The people you meet at the Grail is one of the most special things about a visit here. Today, I'll just...

Being a Coach, General Blog

At the Grail

I just arrived at the Grail, and it is even more beautiful than ever, if that is possible. Looks like we are going to have a great group tonight.  This was a week for me for reminding myself of how painful it is to try and control and have specific...

Articles, General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

The Control Paradox

The arrogance. What makes me, one of 8 billion humans on a tiny blue planet, shared with a multitude of organisms in a vast universe; think that I should be in control of the fine details of life’s events? This traffic should move faster so I can...

Coaching, General Blog, Personal

Thank-You Universe, Socrates

It's been one year since my very good friend and mentor, Socrates, came into my life.  (Socrates is named after Dan Millman's Socrates (Way of the Peaceful Warrior) and the philosopher.)  Socrates is a regular human being in all ways, yet he is also a...

Being a Coach, Clients, Coaching, General Blog

Feeling Inspired

I often feel inspired after my coaching calls.  I just got off a call with one of the most brilliant and special people on the planet.  His work, and really just him being himself, makes a real difference.  I am very blessed. Really, the formula for...

Being a Coach, General Blog

It was really fun

Did my workshop tonight!  We had a small but perfect group, varied enough to provide lots of examples and stimulating discussion.  I was very much in the moment, which feels nice and also allows the best info to come forth from me.   I...

Being a Coach, General Blog, Personal

Off to the Grail

I'm off to Grail Springs this weekend for the Conscious Me retreat. They have generously allowed me to bring my brother as a guest!  He has recently gone through chemotherapy for leukemia.  So far, things seems to be going as hoped with the...

General Blog
General Blog, Personal, Spirituality

Sedona Method

I experimented with the Sedona Method the other day. The idea is to feel an emotion, then ask yourself three questions until the emotion doesn't bother you any more.  It is a method for "letting go." I was feeling a very strong emotion and I started asking myself...

General Blog
General Blog, Personal, Spirituality

Sedona Method

I experimented with the Sedona Method the other day. The idea is to feel an emotion, then ask yourself three questions until the emotion doesn't bother you any more.  It is a method for "letting go." I was feeling a very strong emotion and I started asking myself...