Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

General Blog

INTP Career Discussion

Any INTP's out there? We've got an interesting discussion going at the my life coach site, in the MBTI (Myers-Briggs) Personality Type/INTP's - what do you do thread.  ...

General Blog, Music


[This is one of the hardest topics for me to write about. Phish holds a certain "sacred" status to myself and many others, I know...Risky to fool around trying to talk about Phish with the ordinary words of a mere mortal! But, that is all I have...] In order to...

General Blog

Success: Don’t Get Mesmerized By It!

Let's say you're going along, doing everything you know is important for you to manifest your vision.  You're staying present, in gratitude, trusting, allowing, expanding your mental, physical and spiritual health, and taking effective action. Then,...

General Blog

A Challenging Month

It's been a challenging month. Although that can be uncomfortable, I am very grateful for it as well, as I know this means growth. I've been hearing of many people going through "growing pains" right now, as we also see reflected in events in our society at the...

General Blog

Congratulations America…

On electing a great leader to the presidency.  The fact that he happens to be African-American is a bonus.   I am largely ignorant of what it is like to be a minority, but I can see that this has a lot of meaning and significance for many...

Articles, General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

False Awakenings

It’s a common phenomenon in lucid dreaming.  You are lucid, enjoying being fully “awake” and aware inside of your dream, when you wake up.  You might tell your spouse about your lucid dream, then go on to start your day.  Then, you...

General Blog

The Event didn’t exist

This little phrase appeared on my PVR when I tried to select a show to watch: The Event didn't exist I find the tense, capitalization and meaning(s) provocative. I plan to say this to myself anytime I discover myself lost in the...

Being a Coach, General Blog, Meta, Personal

Michele 2.0

It is so strange to try and blog sometimes (a lot of the time) because everything that is going on is so over-the-top mind-blowing.  Then, when I try to imagine putting things into words, it never comes close to capturing the magnitude/significance of...

Articles, Coaching, General Blog

Dealing with Guilt

OK, here is where I am at on guilt.  [Socrates deserves some credit on this one as well, but then again he never wants to take any credit!] There is such a thing as healthy, natural guilt.  It comes when we say or do something not fully aligned with what we know is...

General Blog

Keys to Living Joyfully

One of my brilliant clients, Sheri Kaye Hoff, has just published her first book, Keys to Living Joyfully! This is a profoundly spiritual, personal and moving work Sheri has created for us. Thanks, Sheri, for this amazing contribution to the world of living with...

General Blog

Humanity Ascending

Important little movie about where humans are going, by visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard.  Notice the chaos?  Have a sense there might be something brewing?

General Blog, Personal

More Beauty at the Grail

The workshop was great Friday night.  There were very special people there with lots of brilliant contributions which were helpful for everyone.   The people you meet at the Grail is one of the most special things about a visit here. Today, I'll just...

Being a Coach, General Blog

At the Grail

I just arrived at the Grail, and it is even more beautiful than ever, if that is possible. Looks like we are going to have a great group tonight.  This was a week for me for reminding myself of how painful it is to try and control and have specific...

Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

Being a Coach, Coaching, General Blog

The Beauty of Emergence

Ok, so I'll try not to get too effusive here. It is simply amazing to see a person, already of very high performance, discover whole new levels of satisfaction and fulfillment.  To see that they don't need to suffer they way they've been suffering.  To see that a...

General Blog, Personal

A New Bluey?

Bluey, "my" blue coloured green frog (Rana clamitans) that lives (used to live?) in my pond has been missing for a long time. I really miss him, and I always keep an eye out for him... This spring, there are LOTS of frogs...Maybe the most I've ever had! There seems...

Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

Being a Coach, Coaching, General Blog

The Beauty of Emergence

Ok, so I'll try not to get too effusive here. It is simply amazing to see a person, already of very high performance, discover whole new levels of satisfaction and fulfillment.  To see that they don't need to suffer they way they've been suffering.  To see that a...

General Blog, Personal

A New Bluey?

Bluey, "my" blue coloured green frog (Rana clamitans) that lives (used to live?) in my pond has been missing for a long time. I really miss him, and I always keep an eye out for him... This spring, there are LOTS of frogs...Maybe the most I've ever had! There seems...