Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

Articles, General Blog, Spirituality


I really live an amazing kind of life.  One where I am in JOY more often than not.  The form my life takes is ordinary enough in the day-to-day trappings.  I have joyous things and incredibly challenging things and everything in between.  Yet,...


Vision Your Life 2009 – February 20-22, 2009

Another powerful weekend is upcoming at the Grail! I'll be at the Grail on Saturday, Feb. 21, 2009, doing a workshop and hosting a panel discussion in the evening. A trip to the Grail can be a life changing experience. Learn more about this Grail Springs Spa...

Being a Coach, General Blog, Personal

After the Grail

Another amazing weekend at the Grail! Here is what I loved about it: - The people at the retreat were great.  Being so bright and keen, they helped bring forth the best and most inspiring info and vibes from all of us.  Thanks. - Spending quality time...

General Blog, Personal, Spirituality

The Best Gift Ever

So, this post has nothing to do with Christmas gifts!  It has to do with learning about who you are and what you are meant to be doing in this world. The other day I was relaying a story to a treasured friend about a close encounter I had with an owl.  He...

Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

Articles, General Blog, Movies/TV

Enneagram Types in Star Trek

The Enneagram is a powerful system for understanding our personalities, and our true natures. Now, I'm quite sure the characters in Star Trek (in this article I'll use examples from TOS (the original series), TNG (the Next Generation), and Voyager) are not as...

Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

Articles, General Blog, Movies/TV

Enneagram Types in Star Trek

The Enneagram is a powerful system for understanding our personalities, and our true natures. Now, I'm quite sure the characters in Star Trek (in this article I'll use examples from TOS (the original series), TNG (the Next Generation), and Voyager) are not as...