Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

Articles, General Blog, Spirituality

Loving the Self

Do you want to be loved for who you really are? The good, the bad and the ugly? Loved unconditionally? There is no-one in the world in a better position to provide that love to you than you. No-one knows you as well as you. No-one spends more time with you than...

General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

New Year’s Thoughts on Goals

Actions (goals) are individual creations that build upon themselves.  Often, as you incrementally move towards your goal, you incrementally increase your belief that the desired outcome is actually true.  You are building the goal belief by belief.  How many...

General Blog, Spirituality

Salutation to the Dawn

Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course Lie all the verities and realities of your existence: The bliss of growth The glory of action The splendor of beauty For yesterday is but a dream And tomorrow only a vision But today well...

General Blog, Movies/TV, Personal, Spirituality


Going into Avatar I had a lot of faith in James Cameron. The original Terminator has delivered for me, yes as it exists as a movie, but mostly in my mind, as a movie that is entertaining yet provides a lot to sink your teeth into, mentally, emotionally and...

General Blog, Movies/TV

Media Messages…Protecting our Kids

Today on EZ Rock we talked about the maybe-not-so-great (OK, we know they are not great) messages kids can get from major pop culture, movies, news, etc. New Moon is a case in point. As a parent, how do you not completely stress out that your child is going to take...


Talk: Getting Irresistably Pulled to Success

Today I'll be doing a talk with Mary Kay Independant Beauty Consultants, hosted by Lisa Dobson, nearby in Orillia, Ontario. I'll be talking about getting irresistably pulled to success.  Going with the flow instead of against to make success easy.

General Blog

Embrace Your Creaturehood!

Today on EZ Rock we talked about birthdays, getting older and all that. Look, we are physical creatures here on earth! Things are going to change! If we embrace those changes, we'll be confident in ourselves and I might add loving to ourselves. Rejecting what is,...

Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach


Barry Long: How to Stop Thinking

  "Thinking is a psychological disease: A madness now infecting just about everyone. It is the cause of worry, and all unhappiness." Barry Long Do yourself a favor, stop thinking, right now: The blessing of this audio from Barry Long (by the way, did you know...


Helping Someone Heal, by Not Helping

It is a very common scenario (sadly): Two people have been through a similar or shared trauma, and one is further ahead in healing than the other. For simplicity's sake (and, because this is often how it looks), let's a say we have a male-female couple, wherein the...

Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach


Barry Long: How to Stop Thinking

  "Thinking is a psychological disease: A madness now infecting just about everyone. It is the cause of worry, and all unhappiness." Barry Long Do yourself a favor, stop thinking, right now: The blessing of this audio from Barry Long (by the way, did you know...


Helping Someone Heal, by Not Helping

It is a very common scenario (sadly): Two people have been through a similar or shared trauma, and one is further ahead in healing than the other. For simplicity's sake (and, because this is often how it looks), let's a say we have a male-female couple, wherein the...