Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

Meta, Personal

Michele 3.0

So, I'm waiting to talk to my new coach, whom I know is amazingly talented and just a great person. I've completed some short but profound initial intake questionnaires. I was able to access and share some good thoughts but I certainly held back a lot. One subject...


IF the Poet: Call it Love

This is a great poem about marriage and it's challenges... IF the Poet offers us powerful and unique views on life...You can learn more about him on his website:...


Barry Long: How to Stop Thinking

  "Thinking is a psychological disease: A madness now infecting just about everyone. It is the cause of worry, and all unhappiness." Barry Long Do yourself a favor, stop thinking, right now: The blessing of this audio from Barry Long (by the way, did you know...


Helping Someone Heal, by Not Helping

It is a very common scenario (sadly): Two people have been through a similar or shared trauma, and one is further ahead in healing than the other. For simplicity's sake (and, because this is often how it looks), let's a say we have a male-female couple, wherein the...

General Blog, Inspirational Quotes

Doing Good

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion. Abraham Lincoln If you want a simple formula for success in all aspects of life, the above will serve you and the people you touch brilliantly. There's a reason we have feelings.  The...

Books, General Blog, Meta, Spirituality

Imagine, a Safe Universe

Imagine... You are an infinite Soul. Everything you think (imagine, picture in your mind, ruminate about) becomes real. OK, not every thing. Just things you are determined to make a relatively big deal out of, especially emotionally. Big deal "good", and big deal...

Coaching, General Blog

Do Nothing to Get Happy!

Yes. Mental performance consultant Ed Tseng posted a great article today on HuffPost, Happiness: Three Things You Probably Didn't Know. My favorite is number 3...And it may even fly in the face of the raison d'être of coaching... 3. The quickest way to happiness:...

Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

Opinion, Personal, Spirituality

Pain: Fair Warning

If you are one of the many, many, people who are capable of causing yourself mental suffering that is more agonizing than physical pain... You may find that you are person that experiences severe physical pain as a (relatively) healthy outlet. Just sayin'.

Articles, Coaching

How to Tell if You are a Good Person

It, hopefully, strikes you as a strange idea...How to tell if I'm a good person? Huh? I am thinking that most of you would respond...Well, even though I have some flaws I do like myself and I *am* a good person. Good! I'm glad you can get at least that far. But,...

Articles, Spirituality

You Are the Captain’s Eyes

You are the most important person on the boat. You act as the captain's eyes. The captain will steer the boat expertly, and in the most enjoyable way possible, based on where YOU are looking. The captain wants the best for you, but gives you complete freedom to...


Enneagram -Type 5 with a 4 wing – I Know!

Last time I shared about my understanding of my Enneagram type, oh, about 7 years ago, I gave the qualification...I think! Enneagram -Type 5 with a 4 wing - I think! But, having worked with myself and the Enneagram system for many years now, I am confident in my...

Life Coaching, Conscious Living, Being a Coach

Opinion, Personal, Spirituality

Pain: Fair Warning

If you are one of the many, many, people who are capable of causing yourself mental suffering that is more agonizing than physical pain... You may find that you are person that experiences severe physical pain as a (relatively) healthy outlet. Just sayin'.

Articles, Coaching

How to Tell if You are a Good Person

It, hopefully, strikes you as a strange idea...How to tell if I'm a good person? Huh? I am thinking that most of you would respond...Well, even though I have some flaws I do like myself and I *am* a good person. Good! I'm glad you can get at least that far. But,...

Articles, Spirituality

You Are the Captain’s Eyes

You are the most important person on the boat. You act as the captain's eyes. The captain will steer the boat expertly, and in the most enjoyable way possible, based on where YOU are looking. The captain wants the best for you, but gives you complete freedom to...


Enneagram -Type 5 with a 4 wing – I Know!

Last time I shared about my understanding of my Enneagram type, oh, about 7 years ago, I gave the qualification...I think! Enneagram -Type 5 with a 4 wing - I think! But, having worked with myself and the Enneagram system for many years now, I am confident in my...