I’m sitting in the most beautiful room in the world, the great room at the Grail. I’m enjoying the fire and the breathtaking view of the lake and forest. This truly is a special and healing place.
The Grail continues to attract brilliant people that *are* stepping into their own power, finding joy, and creating fantastic things in the world around them as they spread their wings.
We did the Vision Your Life retreat weekend, and it was powerful. Wow, did the group ask some great questions and provide excellent input. With such brilliant people around, we really are able to create new ideas and new revelations (or let’s say new ways to understand the Truths that are eternal!)
Thanks Madeleine, for creating this beautiful space of healing and growth. Thanks for being incredibly supportive of the people you encounter. Madeleine, the Founder of the Grail, truly wishes with her heart and soul for everyone to reach their potential…And in her powerful wish and vision, we all grow.