Month: July 2008

Meditation Workshop at the Grail

Great day at the Grail... Right now, Barb, who is an amazing person, is starting her meditation workshop.   She was raised Buddhist, and spent *a lot* of time meditating in her life. What I respect so much in her is her realness and her in-the-moment...

Being a Coach, General Blog

It was really fun

Did my workshop tonight!  We had a small but perfect group, varied enough to provide lots of examples and stimulating discussion.  I was very much in the moment, which feels nice and also allows the best info to come forth from me.   I...

Being a Coach, General Blog, Personal

Off to the Grail

I'm off to Grail Springs this weekend for the Conscious Me retreat. They have generously allowed me to bring my brother as a guest!  He has recently gone through chemotherapy for leukemia.  So far, things seems to be going as hoped with the...

Being a Coach, General Blog, Personal

The Enchanted Forest

Tonight, a very special friend of ours took us to a beautiful forest, on a lake, with live music and a really nice vibe.  It was just a really nice experience, and I was able to learn a lot that I can use in my life and in my coaching.  Thanks,...

General Blog, Personal

My Intentions for this Blog

This blog is meant to allow me to communicate more often and more plainly about myself, what I do, my thoughts and my perspectives.  I tend towards keeping these types of things private.  However, I don't believe that is what is best for the world. ...

Month: July 2008

Meditation Workshop at the Grail

Great day at the Grail... Right now, Barb, who is an amazing person, is starting her meditation workshop.   She was raised Buddhist, and spent *a lot* of time meditating in her life. What I respect so much in her is her realness and her in-the-moment...

Being a Coach, General Blog

It was really fun

Did my workshop tonight!  We had a small but perfect group, varied enough to provide lots of examples and stimulating discussion.  I was very much in the moment, which feels nice and also allows the best info to come forth from me.   I...

Being a Coach, General Blog, Personal

Off to the Grail

I'm off to Grail Springs this weekend for the Conscious Me retreat. They have generously allowed me to bring my brother as a guest!  He has recently gone through chemotherapy for leukemia.  So far, things seems to be going as hoped with the...

Month: July 2008

Meditation Workshop at the Grail

Great day at the Grail... Right now, Barb, who is an amazing person, is starting her meditation workshop.   She was raised Buddhist, and spent *a lot* of time meditating in her life. What I respect so much in her is her realness and her in-the-moment...

Being a Coach, General Blog

It was really fun

Did my workshop tonight!  We had a small but perfect group, varied enough to provide lots of examples and stimulating discussion.  I was very much in the moment, which feels nice and also allows the best info to come forth from me.   I...

Being a Coach, General Blog, Personal

Off to the Grail

I'm off to Grail Springs this weekend for the Conscious Me retreat. They have generously allowed me to bring my brother as a guest!  He has recently gone through chemotherapy for leukemia.  So far, things seems to be going as hoped with the...